miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011


Religion. Lately I’ve been trying to get the ‘real’ meaning of such a wonderful, but controversial word.

I was trying to get a hold of somebody in order to ask just a few questions in regards of that ‘mysterious’ matter.

Instead, I bumped into the following quote:

-We are seekers traveling down unknown roads, looking for answers of ancient questions (…)

And from then on, I wanted to start from the very beginning with the first monotheist religion known in the history of mankind, so I when to Israel to visit our fellow Jew’s community, but they were to busy kicking Palestinians away from Gaza Strip that none of them paid attention to me.

Then, I headed to Tibet, trying to know more about Buddhism, but I was unsuccessful to meet with his Holiness the Dalai Lama, because he was hiding somewhere in India, running away from the Chinese Militia just to avoid his assassination. A government that has been persecuting him since he was a defenceless child.

From there, I flew to the Vatican, looking forward to speak to The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, but again, he was as well so busy in a press conference, answering questions about all the pedophilia cases that involved priests from the Catholic church all over the world.

I honestly didn’t know what to think about my spiritual search any longer, at that time, I wasn’t able to get any answers, all the leaders I went to visit, were solving all kind of issues, but none of those were religious-wise.

I thought that probably in India, my next destination, I was going to be able to get at least a tiny little hint towards my internal search for the ‘truth', but when I got there, I got completely lost, Hinduism has so many deities (so many Gods), that I couldn’t figure out who to start asking for, as a matter of fact, they thought I was a 'Dalit', and didn’t want to talk to me, because according to their social division, the so called ‘outcaste’ doesn’t belong to their prominent religion.

I was about to quit my long-stressful journey, I must admit it, but then I decided to take a final plunge, I was faithful and confident that that time, I was going to be successful, so, I went to Mecca, but I couldn’t even get in there, as that holy place is only meant to be for the Islamic world, no matter if they hate each other like the Sunni and Shia Muslims, but to be brutally honest, my ignorance was making me feel so afraid of the well-known martyrs, who kill themselves in the name of their one and only God, Allah, that I really didn’t try harder and left.

Defeated and exhausted on my way home, I sat down to rest for a while by a sidewalk somewhere around the universe, over there, out of nowhere, I saw a beggar and approached him, just to check if he wanted some water or something to eat, he was hungry so I shared a piece of bread I had in my bag pack, suddenly the old man looked at my eyes and asked me:

-Do you believe in God?

But I didn’t know what to answer either, so I remained in silence, then he reply to his own question:

-You are lost kid! There’s no God at all. There’s only Good and Evil. You're too young to worry about an unknown truth that nobody certainly has.

I must confess that after I met that man on the streets, my life changed and I’ve taken a decision:

-God is just and invention to justify misery, Allah will never conquer the western world, and Buddha will always be like a lucky penny.

Finally I know where I belong to, I’m extremely proud to be an Atheist.

Derechos reservados© Nicolás Marrugo Silva