martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

–Whose fault is it anyway?

Let’s blame the new guy, the socialist guy, the democratic guy, the black guy; let’s call him the Muslim guy. But, weren’t they living the American Dream two years ago? This was not supposed to happen in the land of ‘freedom’. Nobody was expecting to see a country divided into pieces not only by the huge gap between rich and poor, but also by some sort of fears among their inhabitants; created (surprisingly) by their own government.

The well-known ‘United States of America’ seems to be formed by ‘States’–of mind. Nowadays it’s easier to build a mosque in ground zero, than getting the majority of Americans to go in the same direction towards the ‘radical’ social changes the whole nation needs.

–Short and Simple.

Soon after 9/11, a great portion of Americans supported a useless war that is still killing innocent people. At that time Mr. Bush was the savior, the Good Samaritan who was going to defend them from his business partners in the oil industry, the so-called Al-Qaeda terrorists, lead by his dad’s best friend; Osama Bin Laden.

–Happily Married.

Before that marvelous catastrophe called ‘the Republican George’, was Mr. Clinton, a loving Democrat husband, married to Hillary ‘The Wonder Woman’ who will always be remembered by her outrageous 'attempt' to reform the broken health care system in America that was denied by the senate, following strict orders from Bill, after he finished an unforgettable afternoon meeting with Miss Lewinsky at the Oval office.

–Like Father Like Son.

The nickname ‘Inventors’ can be use to refer ‘politely’ to the Bush Family, as we all know, they both have invented two of the most incomprehensible wars in the history of mankind against the same tyrant and one of their corporate clients, the oil entrepreneur; Saddam Hussein. But George ‘The Republican senior’ didn’t do that for free or because of his love and compassion for the people of Kuwait, he cashed a check for more than 40 billion dollars that were paid by the Saudi Arabians as a symbol of ‘appreciation’ for ‘his’ support in the first Gulf War.


It doesn’t really matter if you were a Democrat and then you ended up as a Republican, if you are tall, handsome, an actor and love being at the set, go for it, you can become president of the United States of America. I guess that was the advice Mr. Reagan got. Unfortunately for the Americans, after he survived from his assassination attempt, he literally killed the socialized medicine program proposed years earlier and labeled Nelson Mandela as a terrorist; what a role model for the Americans, right?


Today, Barack Hussein Obama II, the only Afro-American president in the history of ‘the greatest nation’ of the world, is responsible for overcoming the economic crisis, the health care system break down, the bailouts, the foreclosures and the xenophobe towards Muslims among many other issues. He is being entitled with the inglorious honor of leading a nation without hope; looking forward to be reborn like a phoenix from it’s ashes.

So, as George W. Bush memoirs come out today (Nov.9.2010), I would like to ask him after this quick overview I've done about the United States of America in the past 30 years (my age):

–Whose fault is it anyway?

P.S. I would strongly appreciate if he could answer my question before going on vacation; AGAIN.

Derechos reservados© Nicolás Marrugo Silva